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about 3 years agoOkay, I finally found what specifically causes the zombies in the factory to spawn. It's simply interacting with the gondola. As long as the prompt "It's a small gondola, Rebecca could probably ride it" appears, the zombies will spawn. It's a rather minor observation, but hopefully this can save some time. Note that Rebecca doesn't actually need to ride it for the trigger to work.
This trigger also applies for the zombies in the Rec Room and the B6 Walkway in the treatment plant (it erroneously states that they spawn after the flood gates are activated, but again, the difference is really obscure).
That's about all I can find. I studied each area pretty thoroughly and replayed multiple saves, but I think that's the last of it.JetJuice
about 3 years agoOf course. Happy to help. Just to make things easier, I replayed multiple saves, and I noticed that:
- The triggers for the treatment plant encounters are caused specifically by the shaft keys being used (after beating Marcus in the incinerator)
- The triggers for the training facility enemies are caused by the cutscene where Billy is attacked at the end of the laboratory
- The triggers for the factory encounters have to do with the motherboard, gondola, or dam activation (couldn't tell at the time)
- There is a fourth lurker encounter in the dumping room where you reunite with Billy. I noticed it in some videos, but I managed to encounter it personally in my later play sessions.
I'm happy these findings got through. Hope this follow-up helps.Alex (Webmaster)
about 3 years ago@JetJuice - fantastic, thank you so much for the detailed findings! I'll be sure to check this out and update the site accordingly. Some of those encounters sound like spawns that occur after the penultimate final boss fight, which is very interesting. Guess it makes sense as, unlike most other RE's, you have to backtrack to get resources you've dropped rather than rely on the magic item box. Thanks again, this is great info :) and thank you for the nice comments about the site, I'm always thoroughly grateful this resource has managed to help someone.
@.Steve this is amazing to hear, thank you so much for the wonderful feedback, it's certainly very much appreciated. Haha yeah, the Cerberuses seem so light on their feet, "scampering" felt like the most apt term to describe their bounding behaviour :)JetJuice
about 3 years agoI played RE0 again and I witnessed several interesting undocumented enemy encounters. Sorry for the long list:
Treatment Plant
- Three zombies in the Treatment Plant Laboratory (B8) - Likely triggered by beating Marcus in the incinerator
- One Hunter in the Dumping Room (B8) - Likely triggered by beating Marcus in the incinerator
- One Zombie on the B7 Walkway - Unknown (likely after opening the dam)
- Two Zombies in the Maintenance Shaft (B1) - Likely triggered by activating the Treatment Plant Dam
- Three zombies on the Turntable Platform (B4) - Likely triggered by activating the Treatment Plant Dam (the Tyrant rips open the gate after entering the treatment facility for the first time)
Training Facility
- Two Zombies in the Broadcast Room (2F) - Presumably caused by activating the elevator in the factory
- Two Zombies in the Bathroom (1F) - Presumably caused by activating the elevator in the factory
Facility Basement
- Two plague crawlers in Torture Chamber B (B1) - Presumably caused by activating the elevator in the factory
That's what I managed to find for now. Hope this helps.JetJuice
about 3 years agoI really love the dedication put into this website. Knowing the locations and behaviors of enemies in different games was especially helpful, and it even helped with some of the older games like CV and 0. I respect the amount of effort it took to cover all of the items, enemies, maps, spawn conditions, and difficulty differences.
Speaking of Code Veronica, I saw a comment from about 8 months ago in the second guestbook page about the presence of hunters and sweepers in the jet hangar corridor. Having finished it already, I revisited that section to see if it was correct. I had trouble trying to trigger it, but by killing the widows first and then grabbing the door knob and returning via the elevator, I encountered spotters. They disappear occasionally, and the type of enemy they spawn is randomized, but I can confirm they do appear.
That said, spectacular work. Hope this helps!.Steve
about 3 years agoI have to agree with all the others, you deserve high praise indeed for maintaining such an incredible website (17 years and counting!) - it's this sort of passion that really shines through and defines the incredible RE fan-base. I wish this had been around when I was playing RE1 for the first time as a pre-teen (hint: I'm an '87er so it was just free guide books out of magazines for me). So glad that when I decided to go back after all these years and replay the originals, I found Evil Resource. It's unparalleled. The clickable maps are especially amazing!
Also, I love how you describe the Cerberuses as "scampering around," like they're just energetic Jack Russells rather than ravenous infected Dobermanns that want to eat your face.Saterminator13
about 3 years agoThere are few gaming websites out there as useful as this one, much love and respect to all the work done for each game.
Sósia do Vin Diesel
about 3 years agoHey man, the gaiden covering looks great! congratualations
Alex (Webmaster)
about 3 years ago@LeoJK64 ask and you shall receive! I've just added Gaiden to the site. There's still a couple of areas that need improvement, but the bulk of the data is there. Hope this helps!
about 3 years agoThis blog was... how do I say it? Relevant!! Finally I have found something which helped me. Thanks a lot!
about 3 years agoJust giving ahead up.
about 3 years agoLove the site, but a true RE Fan will recognize that ya is missing one more game slot. And that is Resident Evil GAIDEN (GBC). :)
Alex (Webmaster)
about 3 years ago@Luke thank you so much! These are wonderful things to say, and I am most appreciative of your feedback. You're right on the money, I did design this place to be very much in-keeping with the fan-sites of old. I have such fond memories of sites like Evil Unleashed, RE Horror, Resident Evil Fan and Resident Evil Network (to name but a few). I have no plans to abandon this place, and will continue making it grow (slowly but surely) with new content in any way I am able. I have dabbled with the notion of creating a Forum, or whether Discord is the way forward. I'll see what I can do :) thanks again!
about 3 years agoWebsites like these are appreciated by folks like me who grew up with ‘the fansite’ (as opposed to subreddits, Wikis, etc.), and yours is my favourite one going. It’s thorough, easy to navigate, and reminiscent of the fansites from my youth. I’m grateful for its existence, and hope that you’ll someday consider adding a forum to the mix — for fans to congregate over our shared appreciation for what you’ve built, and love for Resident Evil in general. Thank you so much!
about 3 years agoLove the page