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Evil Resource

Privacy policy

At Evil Resource we take your privacy seriously. In handling personal information, we observe laws and regulations relating to the protection of personal information. We have never and will never copy, distribute or sell this information to third-parties. Please be aware that due to factors outside of our control, this does not cover the use of third-party plug-ins described further down the document.

What we store

Personal information gathered via the Guestbook feature of this website is stored only for the purposes of displaying the submitted content onto the Guestbook page. If you wish for your entry to be removed, please contact the webmaster of Evil Resource and we guarantee it will be permanently removed from the system.

Personal information gathered via the Contact Us feature of this website is stored only for the purposes of replying to inquiries. This information is never displayed publicly and is never used for any purpose other than to respond to the submitter with their initial query and any subsequent queries. If you have made an inquiry and wish for your information to be removed, please contact the webmaster of Evil Resource and we guarantee it will be permanently removed from the system.

What third-party plug-ins we use


This website uses Google Analytics to track user behaviour. By using this site you agree to Google Analytics being active, and any data gathered is handled appropriately by Google. Evil Resource has never and will never download this data from Google's servers. The analytics data is only ever used for monitoring user behaviour with the aim of improving the service we provide and produce a better experience for our visitors. Google's privacy policy is available here. If you have any questions or concerns about what is stated on this page, please contact the webmaster of Evil Resource.


We use third party advertisements to support our site. Some of these advertisers may be served from our third party advertiser. You can view their privacy policy here. You can manage your cookies here.

Cookie policy

A cookie is a small amount of data generated by a website and saved by your web browser. They are commonly used to store user preferences. The Evil Resource domain does not produce cookies to gather personal information about our visitors. There is one essential cookie we generate for maintaining your active session on the website and contains no personal data.

Evil Resource, by default, enables Google Analytics to track our visitor browsing behaviour and gather statistics with the sole purpose of providing insights and improving the service we provide. It is possible to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking by following the instructions on the following page. Google's privacy policy is available here.

Evil Resource gives the user the option to accept the use of non-essential cookies, which when consented will enable the use of third-party cookies for the displaying of relevant adverts throughout the website. You can manage these cookies here.

Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. You can choose to set your browser to remove or reject cookies from this site and third-party sites, but please note that if you choose to remove or reject cookies this could affect the availability and functionality of our website.