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Solving the dining room emblem puzzle (Resident Evil)

In the dining room of the mansion there is a hollow above the fireplace on the west side of the room, and a loudly ticking grandfather clock on the northern side.

In the classic version of the game you can acquire the emblem from above the fireplace (in the Director's Cut Advanced/Arranged mode it is found elsewhere), after which you might assume that you are now done with this room.

However, if you so wish, you may put the emblem back into the hollow above the fireplace, something that Resident Evil doesn’t allow you to do very often unless there is more to this location than meets the eye.

How to solve

The solution is actually quite basic, and is actually part of a puzzle that comes in two halves. The first half is covered here - solving the piano bar puzzle.

Once you have acquired the gold emblem, you can place this inside the hollow above the fireplace, and this in turn causes the grandfather clock to move aside, revealing a small alcove in the wall containing a very useful and much-needed item.

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