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Rare Parts Box (Resident Evil Revelations 2)

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Case with parts for upgrading weapons beyond their capabilities.

A box of weapon parts that can be used to upgrade your weapons. Once you acquire one of these boxes, you need to find a Workbench in order to find out exactly which parts you have acquired. The parts you find in these golden boxes are considered rarer, and therefore will upgrade your weapons with even more power.
CategoryWeaponry (Weapon part)

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  • Image of Episode One

    Episode One

    Damage Lv. 3 - Detention Center. On the spinning blade trap that is next to the exit shutter, in the area that has the flamethrower head. You must not have rotated the head whilst the flamethrower was active (thus destroying the blade trap and the parts box along with it) if you want to acquire this upgrade.
  • Image of Episode Two

    Episode Two

    Daze Lv. 1 - Fishing Village. Inside the Gimmick Box located on the platform behind the Wossek Bar.
  • Image of Episode Three

    Episode Three

    Firing Rate Lv. 3 - Food Processing Plant - Slaughterhouse. Inside the Military Box located on the catwalk above the room that contains the spinning blades where you acquire the Slaughterhouse Key. Both Claire and Moira need to be inside the room when the trap gets activated, and you must boost Moira up onto the platform, unlock this box, and then jump over the railing and unlock the gate before the blades reach Claire below.
    Easy Hit Lv. 1 - Sewers. Inside the Military Box located on the high platform in the T-Section of the sewers, where the south tunnel is a dead-end and the north-tunnel leads to the exit.
    Charge Shot Lv. 1 - Sewers. Inside the area of the sewers that contain the wooden board walkways over the water. The upgrade is located under the last platform before the exit gate.
  • Image of Episode Three

    Episode Three

    Damage Lv. 4 - Sewage Treatment Plant. Inside the Gimmick Box located on the upper walkway just beyond the sluice gate marked as "2".
    Quick Load M Lv. 1 - Quarry. Inside the Gimmick Box located on the top of the tower that is to the left of the building you acquire the power source from. You need to use the power source as a platform to reach it.
  • Image of Episode Four

    Episode Four

    Charge Shot Lv. 1 - Underground Research Facility - Mansion. In one of the lockers in the locker room you unlock with the Emblem Key in the southern wing of the mansion.
    Burst+ 1 - Underground Research Facility - Mansion. Inside the Gimmick Box located behind the bench in the room you unlock with the Emblem Key in the northern wing of the mansion.

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