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Parts Box (Resident Evil Revelations 2)

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A case with parts for upgrading your weapons.

A box of weapon parts that can be used to upgrade your weapons. Once you acquire one of these boxes, you need to find a Workbench in order to find out exactly which parts you have acquired.
CategoryWeaponry (Weapon part)

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  • Image of Episode One

    Episode One

    Damage Lv. 1 - Detention Center. On the shelf next to the Workbench In the small room with the ladder next to the room that has the torture device and the Gear Kog.
    Firing Rate Lv. 1 - Detention Center. Inside the Military Box located on the 2nd floor in the large dark room between the top of the two staircases.
    Quick Load Lv. 1 - Radio Tower Hill. Inside the Military Box located next to the locked metal doors near the bridge leading to the radio tower.
  • Image of Episode One

    Episode One

    Capacity Lv. 1 - Detention Center. After turning off the power to disable the spinning blade traps, return to the cell area where you used the Gear Kog. The parts are on a shelf in the southern alcove, previously blocked by a spinning blade trap.
    Damage Lv. 1 - Detention Center. Inside the Gimmick Box located inside the Control Room that is at the top of the stairs in the main cell area.
    Quick Load Lv. 1 - Forest. Inside the old stone house that is off to the side of the main path leading to the lumber yard. You must move a metal crate that is blocking a hole in the wall, allowing Natalia to climb through and unlock the door. Once unlocked, move the crate inside the house to access the upgrade on the shelves.
  • Image of Episode Two

    Episode Two

    Damage Lv. 2 - Fishing Village. Inside the Military Box located next to the helicopter.
    Firing Rate Lv. 2 - Fishing Village. Inside the Military Box located inside the empty shack that is in the compound where the helicopter sits. The shack is to the left of the gate.
    Capacity Lv. 1 - Fishing Village. Inside the Military Box located at the end of the path in the south west corner of the village.
    Scatter - Town. Inside the Military Box that is on the second floor balcony of the house you enter when you first separate from Neil.
    Quick Load Lv. 2 - Town. On the first floor of the apartment block that has the elevator. It is on the shelves inside the room in the south east corner of the elevator corridor. You need to have had Moira remove the barricades with her Crowbar.
  • Image of Episode Two

    Episode Two

    Anti-Recoil Lv. 1 - Forest Ruins. Inside the Gimmick Box located inside the dilapidated building up the hill from the locked gate. You need to use the metal crate to access the ladder from the adjacent ruined building in order to get inside.
    Damage Lv. 2 - Town. Inside the Gimmick Box located inside the building that has the electronic gate. The box is in the room next to the room that has the electronic gate switch control panel.
    Capacity Lv. 2 - Town. Inside the Gimmick Box located on the first floor of the apartment block that has the elevator. It is in the room in the south east corner of the elevator corridor. You need to have had Moira remove the barricades with her Crowbar in Claire's scenario to be able to access this room.
  • Image of Episode Three

    Episode Three

    Focus - Food Processing Plant. Inside the Military Box located inside the chemical storage room on the 2nd floor of the Processing Plant. This room becomes accessible once you have acquired the Processing Plant Key.
    Capacity Lv. 3 - Food Processing Plant - Slaughterhouse. Inside the Military Box located in the area that requires the Slaughterhouse Key to enter.
    Damage Lv. 4 - Food Processing Plant - Factory. Inside the Military Box located in the main factory area that is on fire, it is on the walkway above the four gates at the end of the factory. This is only accessible by Moira after you boost her up onto the pipes.
    Burst+ 1 - Sewers. Inside the Military Box located at the east end of the first northern section of the sewers, on an upper level next to an inaccessible ventilation tunnel.
    Capacity Lv. 2 - Monument - Tombstone Area. Inside the tomb at the top of the main room, blocked by the gate. To open the gate you need to solve the puzzle using the instructions provided in the file "Release Our Sworn Comrades".
  • Image of Episode Three

    Episode Three

    Firing Rate Lv. 3 - Sewers. On the high platform in the T-Section of the sewers, where the south tunnel is a dead-end and the north-tunnel leads to the exit. You need to have dropped the metal crate down from the high platform opposite this one in Claire's scenario. With the crate now on the ground, you can use it as Barry to access this high platform and grab the parts off the storage boxes.
  • Image of Episode Four

    Episode Four

    Piercing Lv. 1 - Floodgates. Inside the Gimmick Box located inside the shipping container with a padlock that is on the central "island" between the two floodgate waterways. Natalia must crawl through a ventilation hole in a nearby container to gain access to it. You can only access this area if you did not switch the floodgates as Claire.
    Anti-Recoil Lv. 2 - Floodgates. Inside the Gimmick Box located inside the concrete building on the far side of the two waterways. Only accessible if you switched the floodgates as Claire.
    Capacity Lv. 3 - The Mines. Inside the Gimmick Box located in the section you go to restore the power to the ventilation system. It is in the room in the north east corner of the area that has the raised wooden platform. You need to push a large cart out of the way to access it.
    Firing Rate Lv. 3 - The Mines. In the section you go to find a way to power the elevator. On a barrel in the area that requires Natalia to crawl through a hole to unlock the gate.

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