Game modes (Resident Evil Remake)
There are several game modes featured within Resident Evil Remake. This page details them and their differences and how to access them.
These are all the game modes available and unlockable in the game:
- Very Easy (2014 HD Remaster only)
- Easy
- Normal
- Once Again
- Hard
- One Dangerous Zombie
- Real Survivor
- Invisible Enemy
Very Easy, Easy & Normal modes
These game modes are available from the very beginning when you start a brand new game, that is except Very Easy, which is a 2014 HD Remaster exclusive game mode that was not featured in the original 2002 Nintendo GameCube version or Nintendo Wii port.
However, when starting a brand new game the actual difficulties are not listed out for you in an easy-selectable way. Instead the game provides you three (or two, in the case of the original 2002 version) descriptions for how you'd like your gaming experience to be. Beneath the surface these translate to Normal, Easy, and Very Easy modes:

Game mode | 2014 HD Remaster | 2002 GameCube |
Normal | Like climbing a mountain. Fulfilling, but takes a lot of work. | MOUNTAIN CLIMBING-beyond the hardships lies accomplishment. |
Easy | Like going on a hike. Good exercise, but not too strenuous. | HIKING-the destination can be reached rather comfortably. |
Very Easy | Like taking a walk. You can relax and enjoy yourself. | Not applicable. |
At a high level these are the differences between these three difficulties:
- Very Easy
- There will be fewer enemies compared to Normal mode. And the enemies will be quite easy to take down, requiring less ammunition than Normal mode.
- There will be more ammunition found throughout the game compared to Normal mode.
- There will be more recovery items and defensive items found throughout the game compared to Normal mode.
- There will be more Ink Ribbon pickups compared to Normal mode. And each pickup will yield 6 ribbons compared to the 3 you get in Easy and Normal modes.
- The maximum amount of kerosene you can acquire from each container you find will be 5 doses compared to the 4 you acquire in Normal mode.
- Easy
- There will be fewer enemies compared to Normal mode but the same number you encounter in Very Easy mode. And the enemies will be quite easy to take down, requiring less ammunition than Normal mode but slightly more than Very Easy mode.
- There will be more ammunition found throughout the game compared to Normal mode but the same amount you acquire in Very Easy mode.
- There will be more recovery items and defensive items found throughout the game compared to Normal mode but the same amount you acquire in Very Easy mode.
- There will be more Ink Ribbon pickups compared to Normal mode but the same as you acquire in Very Easy mode. However each pickup will yield 3 ribbons compared to the 6 you get in Very Easy mode.
- The maximum amount of kerosene you can acquire from each container you find will be 5 doses compared to the 4 you acquire in Normal mode.
- Normal
- There will be more enemies compared to Very Easy and Easy modes, and they will require more ammunition to take down.
- There will be less ammunition found throughout the game compared to Very Easy and Easy modes.
- There will be less recovery items and defensive items found throughout the game compared to Very Easy and Easy modes.
- There will be less Ink Ribbon pickups compared to Very Easy and Easy modes, and each pickup will only yield 3 ribbons compared to the 6 you get in Very Easy mode.
- The maximum amount of kerosene you can acquire from each container you find will be just 4 doses compared to the 5 you acquire in Very Easy and Easy modes.
Once Again mode
These modes are only available after you have completed the game at least once and you load the Cleared Game save instead of starting a brand new game.
The title screen will change to a green variant and you'll now have the choice of different options. If you access the Once Again option from this new title screen, you can access the original difficulties (spelt out this time in non-cryptic form), plus a new mode called Hard.
Hard mode
As stated above, you can access Hard mode once you have unlocked Once Again mode, although there are other ways to play Hard mode which will be covered further down.
At a high level these are the differences between this Hard mode difficulty and the original three difficulties:
- There will be the same amount of enemies as Normal mode but will require more ammunition to take down.
- There will be less ammunition found throughout the game compared to Normal mode.
- There will be less recovery items and defensive items found throughout the game compared to Normal mode.
One Dangerous Zombie mode
If you complete the game in either Normal or Hard difficulty at least once with each character (Jill and Chris), then upon completion with the second character you will be presented with a screen that describes the arrival of a new, more dangerous variant of the zombie enemy.

This enemy is none other than your former comrade Forest Speyer. You do encounter this zombified version in the standard game, provided you visit the Outside Patio and venture all the way to the far end, but this version of him is even more deadly for the following reasons:
- He can run, and really fast. He essentially behaves similarly to a Crimson Head, and has no problems keeping up with you as you try to run away.
- His entire body is strapped with explosives. If you attempt to shoot him, or cause any physical harm to him (including through the use of defensive items), he will explode and take you with him. This will result in an instant Game Over screen.
Starting a new game via the Once Again option with this mode unlocked yields the following differences compared to starting a brand new game:
- Certain standard zombies will be removed from the mansion.
- These zombies will be replaced with this zombified Forest.
- He will first appear in the mansion after acquiring the Book of Curses item, and will only disappear completely from the mansion after acquiring the Helmet Key.
- This mode cannot be deactivated on a save file once it has been unlocked, so every time you start a new game via Once Again mode you should expect to find Forest chasing you.
Real Survivor mode
If you complete the game on Normal difficulty or higher you will unlock Real Survivor mode.

This mode is almost identical to Hard mode, with a few notable differences:
- The Item Boxes are no longer linked. If you put an item inside an Item Box located in one room, the only way to retrieve it is via the same room's Item Box.
- Your auto-aim has been disabled. This means when you ready your weapon in a room with at least one enemy, you will not automatically target them.
- One additional difference in this mode is the behaviour of the door on the east side of the Mansion, specifically the door between the East Wing 1F Stairway and the Dark Corridor. In the regular game modes if you travel from the stairway into the dark corridor, your character will report that the doorknob on this door is ready to fall apart, and you can only use this door twice before it breaks. After this you can no longer use this door from the stairway side and you'll be forced to take the longer route around. In Real Survivor you'll be happy to know that the doorknob never breaks.
Invisible Enemy mode
If you complete the game in Real Survivor mode, or if you complete the game as both Chris and Jill in Normal mode or Hard mode, then you will unlock Invisible Enemy mode.

With this mode you get to choose from the full range of difficulties that are available in Once Again mode, so the placements of enemies and items will be as per those modes. But as you'd expect, this Invisible Enemy mode also has a few notable differences:
- All the enemies are invisible! From the offset you will not be able to see enemies whilst they're wandering around their environments. The only exceptions to this rule is as follows:
- If you get attacked by an enemy, it will become momentarily visible during the attack sequence. But when the attack has finished, the enemy will disappear again.
- If you attack an enemy, you will see its blood splatter from the wound you inflict on it. For zombies, if you kill them then you will also see the pool of its blood that spreads across the floor.
- Some areas of the game have reflective surfaces, such as mirrors, windows, or pools of water on the ground. You will be able to see any enemy in these reflective surfaces.
- Just like in Real Survivor mode, your auto-aim has been disabled. In this mode this restriction makes perfect sense because you cannot see your foes. But this does mean that when you ready your weapon in a room with at least one invisible enemy, you will not automatically target them.