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Crimson Head (Resident Evil Remake)

Image of Crimson Head
If a Zombie is killed but not properly disposed of (i.e. it was not decapitated or had its remains burnt using the Fuel Canteen filled with Kerosene and lit using the Lighter), it will later reanimate as one of these terrifying monsters.

These crimson-coloured creatures are the theorized stage of mutation between a Zombie and a Licker. It has razor sharp claws and is capable of running just as fast as you. It doesn't take a long time for a zombie to become "reborn" as a Crimson Head, so it is in your best interests to properly dispose of certain zombies you choose to kill, or face the consequences later on.

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  • Image of Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Jill (Very Easy)
    1 Crimson Head - After you've acquired the Collar, the immovable body on the floor in the northern corridor gets up as you pass by it. Alternatively, if you try and burn the body with the Lighter and Kerosene before acquiring the Collar then the body will also come alive.
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  • Image of Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Chris (Very Easy)
    1 Crimson Head - After you've acquired the Collar, the immovable body on the floor in the northern corridor gets up as you pass by it. Alternatively, if you try and burn the body with the Lighter and Kerosene before acquiring the Collar then the body will also come alive.
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  • Image of Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Jill (Easy)
    1 Crimson Head - After you've acquired the Collar, the immovable body on the floor in the northern corridor gets up as you pass by it. Alternatively, if you try and burn the body with the Lighter and Kerosene before acquiring the Collar then the body will also come alive.
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  • Image of Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Chris (Easy)
    1 Crimson Head - After you've acquired the Collar, the immovable body on the floor in the northern corridor gets up as you pass by it. Alternatively, if you try and burn the body with the Lighter and Kerosene before acquiring the Collar then the body will also come alive.
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  • Image of Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Jill (Normal)
    1 Crimson Head - After you've acquired the Collar, the immovable body on the floor in the northern corridor gets up as you pass by it. Alternatively, if you try and burn the body with the Lighter and Kerosene before acquiring the Collar then the body will also come alive.
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  • Image of Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Chris (Normal)
    1 Crimson Head - After you've acquired the Collar, the immovable body on the floor in the northern corridor gets up as you pass by it. Alternatively, if you try and burn the body with the Lighter and Kerosene before acquiring the Collar then the body will also come alive.
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  • Image of Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Jill (Hard)
    1 Crimson Head - After you've acquired the Collar, the immovable body on the floor in the northern corridor gets up as you pass by it. Alternatively, if you try and burn the body with the Lighter and Kerosene before acquiring the Collar then the body will also come alive.
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  • Image of Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Mirror Corridor - Mansion 2F

    Chris (Hard)
    1 Crimson Head - After you've acquired the Collar, the immovable body on the floor in the northern corridor gets up as you pass by it. Alternatively, if you try and burn the body with the Lighter and Kerosene before acquiring the Collar then the body will also come alive.
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