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Trevor's Diary (Resident Evil Remake)

Image of Trevor's Diary
The diary of George Trevor, and the accounts of his eventual demise.

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Trevor's Diary

Nov. 24, 1967

Eleven days have past since arriving on this estate. How did I end up like this? A guy in a lab coat came with a plate of skimpy meal and said to me, "Sorry to put you through this, but it's for security reasons." That's when it hit me. It all makes sense now.

There are only two people that know the secret of this mansion, Sir Spencer and myself. If they kill me, Sir Spencer will be the only person that knows the secret.

But for what purpose? It doesn't matter now. It's too dangerous here. My family... I hope they are all right.

I've decided to escape...
Jessica, Lisa, I pray you are safe.

Nov. 26, 1967

How could I be so careless? I lost my favorite lighter - the one Jessica gave me for my birthday. Now it's going to be that much harder to get out this dark place.

Nov. 13th, the date when my fate was sealed. My aunt was hospitalized just three days before that. Jessica and Lisa said that they were going to visit her. I wish I could be there with them.

But wait, even as I'm writing my memory is coming back to me more vividly. Just before I passed out, I remember the men in the lab coats said something like, "Most likely your family is already..." I pray for their safety.

Nov. 27, 1967

Somehow I managed to get out that room. But getting out of this mansion won't be as easy. I have to get past all the booby-traps. Tiger Eyes, Gold Emblem... I have to try and remember for my own sake....

Nov. 29, 1967

I can't get out. I have tried every possible way to escape but only to be faced with the reality that I'm trapped.

I've been everywhere. The laboratory with the large glass tubes filled with formaldehyde and those dark, wet and eerie caves... What can I do?

At first I didn't want to believe my eyes. But that familiar high-heeled shoe in the corridor... It was like reflex. One name came to my mind, Jessica!

I don't want to believe they share the same fate as me.
No! I can't give up hope. I have to hope they're alive.

Nov. 30, 1967

I haven't had anything to eat or drink for the past few days. I feel like I'm going crazy.

Why is this happening to me? Why do I have to die like this?
I was too obsessed with designing this ghastly mansion. I should have known better.

Nov. 31, 1967

It was a dark and damp underground tunnel. And another dead end. But even in the darkness something caught my eye.

Carefully, I lit the last match, I had to see what it was.

A grave! But deeply engraved into the stone was my name!

"George Trevor"

At that instant, it all became clear to me. Those bastards knew from the beginning that I'd die here and I fell right into their trap.

But it's too late now. I'm losing it. Everything is becoming so far away. Jessica... Lisa... Forgive me.

Because of my ego, I got both of you involved in this whole damn conspiracy. Forgive me. May God justify my death in exchange for your safety.

George Trevor

There's something handwritten. It's not dated

Nothing's changed.
I never thought that this room I designed as an experiment would pay off like this.

I can hide here safely for a while, because nobody knows about the secret behind this painting.
Not even Sir Spencer.

Painting of a mansion... In the back of the art room.


  • Image of Bar - Mansion 1F

    Bar - Mansion 1F

    Jill (Very Easy)
    The first part of his diary is on the floor next to the statue of Beethoven inside the hidden area.
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  • Image of Bar - Mansion 1F

    Bar - Mansion 1F

    Chris (Very Easy)
    The first part of his diary is on the floor next to the statue of Beethoven inside the hidden area.
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  • Image of Bar - Mansion 1F

    Bar - Mansion 1F

    Jill (Easy)
    The first part of his diary is on the floor next to the statue of Beethoven inside the hidden area.
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  • Image of Bar - Mansion 1F

    Bar - Mansion 1F

    Chris (Easy)
    The first part of his diary is on the floor next to the statue of Beethoven inside the hidden area.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Bar - Mansion 1F

    Bar - Mansion 1F

    Jill (Normal)
    The first part of his diary is on the floor next to the statue of Beethoven inside the hidden area.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Bar - Mansion 1F

    Bar - Mansion 1F

    Chris (Normal)
    The first part of his diary is on the floor next to the statue of Beethoven inside the hidden area.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Bar - Mansion 1F

    Bar - Mansion 1F

    Jill (Hard)
    The first part of his diary is on the floor next to the statue of Beethoven inside the hidden area.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Bar - Mansion 1F

    Bar - Mansion 1F

    Chris (Hard)
    The first part of his diary is on the floor next to the statue of Beethoven inside the hidden area.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Jill (Very Easy)
    The second part of his diary is on the display bench.
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  • Image of Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Chris (Very Easy)
    The second part of his diary is on the display bench.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Jill (Easy)
    The second part of his diary is on the display bench.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Chris (Easy)
    The second part of his diary is on the display bench.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Jill (Normal)
    The second part of his diary is on the display bench.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Chris (Normal)
    The second part of his diary is on the display bench.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Jill (Hard)
    The second part of his diary is on the display bench.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Large Art Room - Mansion 1F

    Chris (Hard)
    The second part of his diary is on the display bench.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Jill (Very Easy)
    The third part of his diary is on the small gravestone at the end of the passage.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Chris (Very Easy)
    The third part of his diary is on the small gravestone at the end of the passage.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Jill (Easy)
    The third part of his diary is on the small gravestone at the end of the passage.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Chris (Easy)
    The third part of his diary is on the small gravestone at the end of the passage.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Jill (Normal)
    The third part of his diary is on the small gravestone at the end of the passage.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Chris (Normal)
    The third part of his diary is on the small gravestone at the end of the passage.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Jill (Hard)
    The third part of his diary is on the small gravestone at the end of the passage.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Secret Passage - Mansion 1F

    Chris (Hard)
    The third part of his diary is on the small gravestone at the end of the passage.
    View location | Show on map

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