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Evil Resource

Deer Room - Mansion 2F (Resident Evil)

Image of Deer Room - Mansion 2F
A small adjoining hallways between two subsequent rooms. It contains very little except a decorative deer head on the wall.

Access to this room requires the Armor Key.

This place is linked to the following locations:

LocationMansion   | Show on map


  • Image of Zombie

    1 Zombie

    One of the zombies from the East Stairway 2F enters the room as you try to access the Bedroom for the first time, but only if you have not killed both of them. If both zombies in the East Stairway 2F are dead then no zombie will enter here. If a zombie does enter here when trying to access the Bedroom, then it will disappear from the East Stairway 2F.
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  • Image of Zombie

    1 Zombie

    Jill (Deadly Silence Rebirth)
    One of the zombies from the East Stairway 2F enters the room as you try to access the Bedroom for the first time, but only if you have not killed both of them. If both zombies in the East Stairway 2F are dead then no zombie will enter here. If a zombie does enter here when trying to access the Bedroom, then it will disappear from the East Stairway 2F.
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  • Image of Zombie

    1 Zombie

    Jill (Arranged / Advanced)
    Enters the room as you try to access the Bedroom for the first time.
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  • Image of Zombie

    1 Zombie

    If you have already explored the 'C' Passage before entering here then you will find one zombie in this room wandering around. If you have not yet explored the 'C' Passage then a zombie will enter the room when you try to access the Bedroom for the first time, but only if you have not killed two of the zombies in the East Stairway 2F (the ones nearest the stairs, not the one at the far end). If both of those zombies in the East Stairway 2F are dead then no zombie will enter here. If a zombie does enter here when trying to access the Bedroom, then it will disappear from the East Stairway 2F.
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  • Image of Zombie

    1 Zombie

    Chris (Deadly Silence Rebirth)
    If you have already explored the 'C' Passage before entering here then you will find one zombie in this room wandering around. If you have not yet explored the 'C' Passage then a zombie will enter the room when you try to access the Bedroom for the first time, but only if you have not killed two of the zombies in the East Stairway 2F (the ones nearest the stairs, not the one at the far end). If both of those zombies in the East Stairway 2F are dead then no zombie will enter here. If a zombie does enter here when trying to access the Bedroom, then it will disappear from the East Stairway 2F.
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  • Image of Zombie

    1 Zombie

    Chris (Arranged / Advanced)
    Wandering around.
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  • Image of Zombie

    1 Zombie

    Chris (Arranged / Advanced)
    An additional zombie can appear here if the zombie closest to the Main Hall 2F door in the 'C' Passage is not killed. If it is killed then this zombie will not appear here. This zombie can also appear here regardless in some versions of the Dual-Shock version of Resident Evil Director's Cut.
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