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Unlocking the laboratory electronic doors (Resident Evil)

Once you reach the underground laboratory area, there are two doors that are electronically sealed and cannot be opened with a traditional key. These doors lead to the visual data room and to a private room.

Upon exploring the laboratory’s small lab room you will find a computer in the corner that controls these electronic locks, except in order to deactivate them you must supply a username and password. Furthermore, in order to unlock the private room on the B3 level, there is a secondary password needed.

How to solve

You need to acquire the username and the two passwords that the computer in the small lab requires you enter to unlock these doors. All of these can be obtained in one room of the underground laboratory, the x-ray room.

The initial username and password is quite easy to obtain. There is a specific file, namely the Researcher’s Letter, that you can read that reveals what the login credentials are. Here is the most important part of the transcript:

Dear Ada,
If everything is in order, all the locks can be opened by the security system. You can access the system if you log in with my name from the terminal in the small lab and enter the password. The password is your name.
Yours, John

Using this information, the credentials for unlocking the visual data room on level B2 is as follows:


Trying to use these credentials to unlock the visual data room on level B2 will fail, and you will be prompted for another password. Again, the Researcher’s Letter gives you the password you need, but unfortunately it’s not as easily discovered as the first one.

At the bottom of this file is the password, but it has been encrypted using rune characters. You must discover what letters these runes represent in order to determine the password.


If you investigate the x-ray room, there is a light switch next to the door, there is a moveable bookcase on the southern wall that reveals another switch, and on the western wall there is a picture depicting the Garden of Eden with the same runes as seen in the file.

Ensure the light switch is on and investigate the picture and make a note of the runes. If you activate the switch behind the bookcase the room will fill with a soft blue light, and if you look at the picture again you will find that the runes have been replaced with readable letters.

Here is a table that shows the rune words with their translated equivalent words:


By cross-referencing the translation above with the runes inside the file, you can deduce that the resulting second password needed for the computer will be the following:

ᛗᛟᛚᛖ = MOLE

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