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Solving the gallery picture switch puzzle (Resident Evil)

At the far end of the east wing of the mansion there is a large gallery. This room contains a collection of paintings, each of which can be examined to receive a description of what the painting depicts.

The first picture, next to the door, has the following descriptions:

The title is "Give Me Peaceful Sleep".

The picture is entitled: "From cradle to grave"

If you then proceed all the way to the end of the gallery, the last picture has a switch and the following descriptions:

There's a message. "Give me the peace of death, and I'll give you the joy of life..."

The picture is entitled: "The end of life"

Upon examining each of the other pictures lining the inner wall of the room, you will notice that not only do they also contain a switch underneath them, but they also each show a male person in various stages of growth, starting from a baby all the way through to an old man.

How to solve

Using the descriptions of the pictures as a guide, especially the revised descriptions of the first and last picture in the Director's Cut version of the game, it can be concluded that you need to assign an order to the pictures from the start of life to the end of life. Therefore you must press the switches of each picture in the age order of their respective imagery, from youngest to oldest to eventual death. The order is as follows:

  1. A picture of a newborn baby.
  2. A picture of an infant.
  3. A picture of a lively boy.
  4. A picture of a young man.
  5. A picture of a tired middle-aged man.
  6. A picture of a bold-looking old man.

The last switch to press is the picture at the end of the room. Upon pressing this final switch, the picture will detach from the wall, revealing a hollow behind it containing an important item.

If you press the switch of the last picture without first pressing the switches of all the other pictures in the correct sequence, the crows perched along the lighting rail will immediately launch themselves at you and attack.


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