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Creating the V-JOLT to destroy Plant 42 (Resident Evil)

The chemical needed to weaken Plant 42, located in the room aptly named as Plant 42 room of the Guardhouse, is something that is not merely found, but actually created. Inside the drug storeroom there are chemicals which, when combined in a specific order, will result in the compound known as V-JOLT. This compound can then be used on the exposed roots of the monstrous plant, located in the meeting room.

When playing the game as Jill, she has the know-how to combine chemicals herself. Chris, however, does not have this knowledge and instead you must rely upon Rebecca to do the mixing. This unfortunately is not always possible due to certain gameplay scenarios, so if you do find yourself gaining control of Rebecca during the guardhouse section of the game then you know you'll need to create the V-JOLT.

Regardless of who does the process, the method is detailed here. On the walls of the drug storeroom are hand-written messages written in chalk that provide the instructions on how to mix the available chemicals, albeit in an ambiguous way.

On the wall next to the door the following is written:

1+2=3, 2+4=6, 3+4=7, 6+7=13, 13+3=16

And on the wall next to the sink you can find the following written:

Water=1, Red=2, Purple=3, Green=4

Keep reading to find out what these scribblings mean.

How to solve

In the room itself there are two types of chemicals on the shelves, four empty bottles scattered around, and a sink where water is available. You need to have at least one of the empty bottles in your possession before you can acquire one of the substances, be it a chemical or the water. Once you have more than one substance in your inventory you can combine them together to create a new substance.

The two chemicals in the room are UMB No.2 which is red in colour, and UMB No.4 which is green in colour. Cross-referencing these colours with the hand-written notes on the wall, you can deduce what number these chemicals have, and most importantly the value of water, which is “1”. Then using the other hand-written note you can deduce how they should be combined to eventually result in V-JOLT. So using the first sum as an example, 1+2=3, this translates to Water + UMB No.2 = a new chemical with the value of “3”.

Here is the overall step-by-step instructions:

  1. Put water inside an empty bottle
  2. Put UMB No.2 inside an empty bottle
  3. Combine the water with the UMB No.2 to create NP-003
  4. Put another UMB No.2 inside an empty bottle
  5. Put UMB No.4 inside an empty bottle
  6. Combine the UMB No.2 with the UMB No.4 to create Yellow-6
  7. Put another UMB No.4 inside an empty bottle
  8. Combine the NP-003 with the UMB No.4 to create UMB No.7
  9. Combine the Yellow-6 with the UMB No.7 to create UMB No.13
  10. Put another water inside an empty bottle
  11. Put another UMB No.2 inside an empty bottle
  12. Combine the water with the UMB No.2 to create another NP-003
  13. Combine the NP-003 with the UMB No.13 to create the V-JOLT

This final compound should then be used on the exposed roots inside the meeting room within the basement.

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