Cabin 201 - Train 1F
EasyOn the lower bunk bed on the west side of the room.
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Welcome to Raccoon City SignBuy the Welcome to Raccoon City Sign on Amazon |
Investigation Orders
(Stained with blood, some sections are illegible.)
8 miles north of Raccoon City, in the Arkley Mountains, lies our comp ny's Management training facility. It was shut down years ag .
Now, w are conducting a preliminary tudy into the re-opening of the faci ities.
First Investigation Unit is alre dy on-site and opening th investi ation, I want yo r team to provide suppo t.
The following orders re Will m Bark and 1s I ves gat o Un t.
...(The rest is torn and unreadable.)
S.T.A.R.S. Numskull Men's SnapbackBuy the S.T.A.R.S. Numskull Men's Snapback on Amazon |