The zombie is the most common enemy in the game, the poor passengers of the train and the Umbrella staff of the Training Facility, who became infected with the T-Virus.
There are many different types of zombie in the game, normal passengers on the train, Umbrella special forces, and many others.
The zombie is an easy enemy, as long as they're in small numbers. The Handgun is enough to keep them at bay. It's possible to decapitate one or many zombies with a single shotgun blast, simply aim up when they come into grabbing range, and fire.
2 Zombies - The dead bodies in the room will rise up once the gas chamber has been vented of the poisonous gas (using the Sterilizing Agent) and the door to the chamber has been opened.
2 Zombies - The dead bodies in the room will rise up once the gas chamber has been vented of the poisonous gas (using the Sterilizing Agent) and the door to the chamber has been opened.
2 Zombies - The dead bodies in the room will rise up once the gas chamber has been vented of the poisonous gas (using the Sterilizing Agent) and the door to the chamber has been opened.