Lei (or the singular version "Leu") is the national currency of Romania, the setting of the game.
You can use Lei to purchase items, weapon upgrades, ammunition and various other accessories from The Duke. You can find Lei scattered throughout the game, as well as being randomly dropped by enemies when you defeat them.
The easiest way to accumulate Lei however is to sell the various treasures you find to The Duke, some of which are very valuable.
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Large Power Regulator Room - Heisenberg's Factory MB4
Lei (2×3000) - On the floor inside the north west room on the lower level. You need to shoot the Soldat Eins lying on the operating table to wake it up, and then let it destroy the fence so you can then gain access. Alternatively you can lure Soldat Zwei you encounter on the level above to destroy the fence.
Lei (2×3000) - On the table inside the north west room on the lower level. You need to shoot the Soldat Eins lying on the operating table to wake it up, and then let it destroy the fence so you can then gain access. Alternatively you can lure Soldat Zwei you encounter on the level above to destroy the fence.
Large Power Regulator Room - Heisenberg's Factory MB4
Village of Shadows
Lei (2×3000) - On the floor inside the north west room on the lower level. You need to shoot the Soldat Eins lying on the operating table to wake it up, and then let it destroy the fence so you can then gain access. Alternatively you can lure Soldat Zwei you encounter on the level above to destroy the fence.
Lei (2×3000) - On the table inside the north west room on the lower level. You need to shoot the Soldat Eins lying on the operating table to wake it up, and then let it destroy the fence so you can then gain access. Alternatively you can lure Soldat Zwei you encounter on the level above to destroy the fence.