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Evil Resource

Lott Klein (Resident Evil Survivor)

Image of Lott Klein
Lott's father is the head of the Applied Genetic Engineering department at Umbrella, a man who has single-mindedly devoted himself to his research without a thought to his own family. Ever since he could remember, Lott had heard about natural selection and the different attributes people possessed based on the race they were born into. Lott has been deeply influenced by his father and the Umbrella organisation. When the "accident" occurred, perhaps influenced by the brutality of adolescence, Lott believed that "the weak should die." But, after seeing his own parents wiped out by the T-virus, Lott began to understand his own powerlessness as a living being. Wanting to set things right and feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt, he has begun to fight back against everything the Umbrella organisation stands for.

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