Wall Blisters are horrifying snail-like creatures that hibernate by sticking to walls and ceilings and hide within their invulnerable shells. When Wall Blisters are dormant, nothing can disturb them. When they wake, however, they immediately charge you with their giant tentacles flailing.
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2 Wall Blisters - Episode 3-2 onwards. Attached to the ceiling in the passage from the elevator. One of them drops down when you visit this area in Episode 4. Note: they do not appear in the 3DS version.
2 Wall Blisters - Episode 3-2 onwards. Hanging from the upper railing on the west side of the room. Note: they do not appear in the 3DS version.
2 Wall Blisters - Episode 3-2 onwards. Attached to the ceiling in the passage from the elevator. One of them drops down when you visit this area in Episode 3-2. The other drops down when you visit this area in Episode 4.
2 Wall Blisters - Episode 3-2 onwards. Hanging from the upper railing on the west side of the room. The first one attacks as you approach it. The other one attacks after activating the purifying mechanism in the Purifying Room.
2 Wall Blisters - Episode 3-2 onwards. Hanging on the wall near the elevator and in the central section of the corridor. They wake up and attack in Episode 10-1.
3 Wall Blisters - Episode 4-1 onwards. On the wall. One of them wakes and attacks in Episode 4-1 as you pass through. The other two wake up in Episode 6-2.