The Pincer Ooze is a variant of the regular Ooze. They have over-sized arms that are covered in huge spikes, and they have a surprisingly long reach so it is best to fight these creatures from a distance. As with the regular Oozes, their weak spot is also their head.
1 Pincer Ooze - Episode 4-1. Appears here after triggering the event with Rachael Ooze. Only appears if you have not defeated Rachael prior to getting to this location.
1 Pincer Ooze - Episode 4-1. Appears here after triggering the event with Rachael Ooze. Only appears if you have not defeated Rachael prior to getting to this location.
1 Pincer Ooze - Episode 4-1. Appears here after triggering the event with Rachael Ooze. Only appears if you have not defeated Rachael prior to getting to this location.