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Prisoner's Letter (Resident Evil Revelations 2)

Image of Prisoner's Letter
CategoryFile (Episode 1 File)

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Prisoner's Letter

(Written in Russian)

Dear Momma,

I dunno if you'll ever get to read this. But I need you... They call us experiments. They torture us every day. Every. Day.

What did I do to deserve this? Why is this happening?

It hurts so bad. Every day I'm scared of what will happen next.

Momma please, please help...


  • Image of Episode One

    Episode One

    Detention Center. On the table in the eastern-most cell of the corridor on the 2nd floor, south of the western staircase leading to the 1st floor.
  • Image of Episode One

    Episode One

    Detention Center. On the table in the eastern-most cell of the corridor on the 2nd floor, south of the western staircase leading to the 1st floor.

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