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Glasp (Resident Evil Revelations 2)

Image of Glasp
The Glasp is a creature that can "bend" light around its body, allowing it to appear invisible in normal conditions. These monsters were created from experiments with the T-Phobus Virus, and were released during the time Claire and Moira are escaping from the island. Their presence is somewhat detected through a "noise" they give off, which causes both your sight and your hearing to become heavily distorted the closer they get.

These creatures are encountered very briefly by Claire and Moira, and a few times by Barry and Natalia. Due to them being invisible, the easiest way to spot them is to use a Smokescreen Bottle. The smoke will render their camouflage temporarily compromised, allowing you to see them. If they manage to grab hold of you, their attack is an instant kill.

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  • Image of Episode Two

    Episode Two

    Glasp - Fishing Village. Several of them appear at various points throughout the village.
    Glasp - Town. Several lurk inside the building that has the electronic gate.
    Glasp - Town. Several of them lurk inside the apartment block that has the elevator.
  • Image of Episode Three

    Episode Three

    1 × Glasp - Sewers. On higher difficulty settings, a Glasp appears near the sewer exit.
    Glasp - Sewage Treatment Plant. Several are lurking near the end of the sluice.
  • Image of Episode Four

    Episode Four

    1 × Glasp - Monument - Outside Ledge. On higher difficulty levels, a Glasp appears in the section that has the metal crate needed to access the gap in the fence.
    1 × Glasp - Monument - Lower Levels. Appear on the walkways as you are making you escape.
  • Image of Episode Four

    Episode Four

    1 × Glasp - Landfill Control Tower. On the stairs in the large room that leads to the mine entrance.
    1 × Glasp - Underground Research Facility - Basement. In the large Revenant breeding room featuring many glass experiment chambers. Appears after acquiring the Security Card Level 1.
    1 × Glasp - Underground Research Facility - Basement. In the large Revenant breeding room featuring many glass experiment chambers. Appears after acquiring the Emblem Key.
    Glasp - Underground Research Facility - Basement. In the room that has the elevator that leads down to the final area. One or two appear after you have activated the elevator.

There are no locations to show for this game mode. The following game modes are applicable:

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