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Reagent Generation Memo (Resident Evil Outbreak)

Image of Reagent Generation Memo
Available within the "Decisions, Decisions" scenario.
CategoryFile (Decisions, Decisions)

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Reagent components:
  1. P-base
  2. V-poison
  3. T-blood

Synthesize the components in the incubator located in the lab.

  • The machine will automatically mix the components. It will take some time to totally mix them.
  • Once it is generated, you can make a copy by setting it in the high speed incubator.

  1. P-base
    Generated 2500ml for the reagent. Since storage device in lab is out of order, sample is being stored in basement tank. Keep sample in air-tight case or it will dissolve.
  2. V-poison
    Generated from bee poison as a culture catalyst. It is kept in the lab. Gathering usable amounts of the V-poison is very labor intensive. Handle it with care.
  3. T-blood
    Blood from a creature infected with the "T" virus.
    * A sample from Greg should be arriving.


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