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Written orders (Resident Evil Outbreak File #2)

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This file is available during the "End of the Road" scenario.
CategoryFile (End of the Road)

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"Written orders"

To: Tommy Neilson
It's come to our attention that the cargo dock under your command was used for the disposal of that experiment. We must ensure that that information is not leaked.

Commander Rodriguez of the 2nd USS Division has been revealed as the ringleader, and his authority has been stripped as of today. You are hereby assigned the duy of finding responsible parties. Do not fail.

Our information is sketchy, but someone has helped Rodriguez and his conspirators escape. Explore all possible leads: his family, childen in the neighborhood, etc. Of course you are sworn to absolute secrecy.

This company does not tolerate those who try to soil its reputation. If you want to wake up in the morning, I suggest you do as you are told and do it well.

B. Rowell


End of the Road

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