Special research room - Umbrella research facility
EasyYou need to use the MO Disk (Code A) on the computer terminal in the middle of the room to acquire this document.
Category | File (End of the Road) |
"Experiment participants"
T-vi*us Pati*nt List
M*y 14th, 1*96
Th* follow*ng pat*e*ts a*e slated to participat* in the vir*s testing *rog*am pending c*rtain conditi**s.
Bria* Reyno**s
Nath*n Crabb*
*ichael Sip**k
Mar**re Lyo**
Erik S*raw ***
**** **
De**tra *roo*s
Yok* Suzuki
J**on Ru*dy
Reta Erhar*
Way*e Cris*ip
**** **
R*ch*rd Folk
Kris*ie Derring**
*alph Speck
**** ** ** ***
*** *** ***