HG Bullets (×12) - On the body of one of the zombies that appear here after Leon joins your party and you've viewed the security cameras in the Security room.
HG Bullets (×12) - On the radio console on the east side of the room. Appear here after Leon joins your party and you've viewed the security cameras in the Security room.
HG Bullets (×12) - On the body of one of the zombies that appears on the north side of the room when playing as Leon after Lucia and Barry have left the ship.
HG Bullets (×12) - On the body of the zombie that appears in the south west section of the room when playing as Leon after Lucia and Barry have left the ship.
HG Bullets (×12) - On the body of one of the zombies that appear in the south east area of the deck when playing as Leon after Lucia and Barry have left the ship.
HG Bullets (×12) - On the body of the zombie that appears on the north side of the corridor when playing as Leon after Lucia and Barry have left the ship.
HG Bullets (×12) - On the body of the zombie that appears on the north side of the room near the stairs when playing as Leon after Lucia and Barry have left the ship.
HG Bullets (×12) - On the body of the zombie that appears in the south east corner after regaining control of Barry after returning from the Submarine.
HG Bullets (×12) - On the body of one of the zombies that appear on the south side of the room after regaining control of Barry after returning from the Submarine.
HG Bullets (×12) - On the corner of the machinery on the west side of the room. Appears here after regaining control of Barry after returning from the Submarine.
HG Bullets (×12) - On the corner of the machinery directly above the stairs in the middle of the room. Appears here after regaining control of Barry after returning from the Submarine.
HG Bullets (×12) - On the body of one of the zombies that appear on the north side of the room after regaining control of Barry and after reuniting with Leon.