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Memo to New Master (Resident Evil Code: Veronica)

Image of Memo to New Master
A message to Alfred Ashford when he became the new master. Also contains details on the traditions of the Ashford family.

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Sir Alfred,

Congratulations on your succession as master of the Ashford family.

I hereby present you with an earthenware vase, according to the Ashford family tradition.

As you may know, this tradition first began when a butler presented a golden tea cup as a commemorative to Veronica. As founder of the Ashford family, her intelligence and beauty are legendary.

The second and third masters, Stanley and his son Thomas, were also presented with similar tea cups. It was their hope to achieve glory as Veronica did before them.

The position as family master then shifted from Sir Thomas to his twin brother Sir Arthur. It then went to Sir Edward, your grandfather. That was when the Ashford family enjoyed its golden age.

It was also Sir Edward's achievement that established the large chemical enterprise, Umbrella Inc.

However, when Sir Edward passed away and your father Sir Alexander succeeded the position, the glorious Ashford family gradually began to sink...

I sincerely hope that the Ashford family regains its glory with your guidance, just as this vase continues to shine eternally.

Scott Harman

Butler, Ashford family


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