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Bear Commander (Resident Evil 6)

Image of Bear Commander
This is a powerful weapon that works as an automatic rifle and as a grenade launcher. As an automatic rifle, it's comparable to the Assault Rifle in terms of damage, rate of fire as well as function, but overall a slightly weaker weapon. In terms of its grenade launching feature, it only supports the use of 40mm Explosive Rounds.

Overall it is a versatile weapon suited to taking out groups of enemies and strong, single targets. For its primary rifle function it uses 5.56mm NATO Ammo.
CategoryWeaponry (Weapon)

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CharactersJake, Sherry, Ada
Alternate FireExplosive Rounds
Shots Per Clip30
Critical Chance4
Reload SpeedB


  • Image of Jake - Chapter 3

    Jake - Chapter 3

    Research Facility - Living Quarters. You need to insert 16 of the ID Medals into the slot located on the central statue in the Main Hall. This will raise a gate on the north side of the hall, giving you access to this weapon. Only appears here if you do not already have this weapon in your possession.
  • Image of Ada - Chapter 4

    Ada - Chapter 4

    Aircraft Carrier - Forward Hangar. On the table in the large cabin room with the bedroom and living space. Only appears here if you do not already have this weapon in your possession.
    Aircraft Carrier - Bridge. After the cut-scene showing Carla's falling, you will ride an elevator down to the deck. Opposite the elevator exit will be a pile of boxes, one of which will have this weapon sitting on top. Only appears here if you do not already have this weapon in your possession.
    Aircraft Carrier Interior. As you are running through the bowels of the ship to escape from Carla, you will enter a small communications room with a map on the wall and two large leather swivel-chairs. This weapon is on one of these seats. Only appears here if you do not already have this weapon in your possession.
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