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King (Bronze) (Resident Evil 6)

Image of King (Bronze)
A bronze token in the shape of a king chess piece.

This item is worth 2,000 Skill Points when acquired. Skill Points are used to purchase additional skills that can be attached prior to starting a chapter.
CategoryMiscellaneous object

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  • Image of Leon - Chapter 3

    Leon - Chapter 3

    1 × King (Bronze) - Catacombs. After entering the catacombs by pulling the two levers to open the large door, you will find yourself in a large passageway. The sarcophagus near the stairs on the left-hand side contains the skill points.
  • Image of Leon - Chapter 4

    Leon - Chapter 4

    1 × King (Bronze) - Market. To the left of the locked door that requires the three keys is a market stall. Proceed through into the very back room to find a chest containing the skill points.
    2 × King (Bronze) - Medical Research Center. When you reach the long corridor that triggers laser beams, you need to outrun Chris and Piers who are on the other side. If you make it through the door and into the elevator first, you will go into Room 01. At the back of this room is a smaller room containing two chests, each containing these skill points.
  • Image of Chris - Chapter 1

    Chris - Chapter 1

    1 × King (Bronze) - Tenement. When you descend to level 6, walk down the central aisle until you see the butcher's shop on the left. Proceed to the left past the shop until you come cross an alcove containing a chest. The skills points are inside it.
  • Image of Chris - Chapter 3

    Chris - Chapter 3

    2 × King (Bronze) - Medical Research Center. When you reach the long corridor that triggers laser beams, you need to outrun Leon and Helena who are on the other side. If you make it through the door and into the elevator first, you will go into Room 01. At the back of this room is a smaller room containing two chests, each containing these skill points.
  • Image of Chris - Chapter 4

    Chris - Chapter 4

    1 × King (Bronze) - Aircraft Carrier - Bridge. After going up the stairs onto the exterior balcony you will enter a room with rows of desks. The skill points are in a briefcase near the exit door on the far side.
    1 × King (Bronze) - Aircraft Carrier - Forward Hangar. When you are searching for the pass codes, there is a dark meeting room with red sofas. On the elongated table inside this room there is a briefcase containing the skill points.
  • Image of Jake - Chapter 1

    Jake - Chapter 1

    1 × King (Bronze) - Water Channel. This can only be acquired when playing as Sherry. After escaping Ustanak for the first time and finding yourself in a small bathroom, look in the corner. Use the partner action to hoist Sherry up to the upper level to find a chest containing the skill points.
    1 × King (Bronze) - Underground Passage. As you travel through the underground you will pass a room containing lots of mannequins. Beyond this room is a corridor leading to a ladder, and next to the ladder is a chest containing the skill points.
  • Image of Jake - Chapter 2

    Jake - Chapter 2

    1 × King (Bronze) - Cave. During the first section of the cave where you learn the basics of hiding from Ustanak by jumping in the dumpster, as you continue down the cave path you will eventually find a ladder on the left side. Climb this and at the top will be a chest containing the skill points.
  • Image of Jake - Chapter 3

    Jake - Chapter 3

    1 × King (Bronze) - Research Facility - Living Quarters. You need to insert 16 of the ID Medals into the slot located on the central statue in the Main Hall. This will raise a gate on the north side of the hall, giving you access to a chest containing the skill points.
  • Image of Jake - Chapter 4

    Jake - Chapter 4

    1 × King (Bronze) - Poisawan - Shopping District. Immediately after surviving the attack chopper, you will be in an alleyway with barriers to jump over. After jumping over the second barrier, look immediately to the left. The skill points are inside a metal chest in the corner.
  • Image of Ada - Chapter 4

    Ada - Chapter 4

    1 × King (Bronze) - Aircraft Carrier - Forward Hangar. When you are searching for the pass codes, there is a brightly-lit ornate living room. On the round table inside this room there is a briefcase containing the skill points.
There are no locations to show.

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