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Our Mission (Resident Evil 4)

Image of Our Mission
Osmund Saddler's ultimate plan is revealed.

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Our Mission

The real power of the United States lies in three areas. The Justice Department, the Administrative bodies, and the Military. In order to take control of these areas, we must influence the minds of the people who advise the President.

After this is done, the rest of the departments will quickly fall under our sway.

If by chance the United States were to figure out our plan, the damage caused should be minimal.

We will still be able to conquer the country as planned using our backup plan. Once we control the country, we will use their international influence to our advantage.

The rest of the world will fall swiftly.

As already stated, if our first plan doesn't go as smoothly as expected, we'll proceed with out secondary plan. By sending in our "special" forces we will infiltrate the country from within. Fear and chaos will spread through the nation like a virus.

It'll only be a matter of time before the country loses its stability. At that time, when they're most vulnerable, we will strike.

Rejoice my brethren; the world shall soon be cleansed.


  • Image of Final Chapter

    Final Chapter

    Construction site access. On the table next to the lift.
  • Image of Final Chapter

    Final Chapter

    Construction site access. On the table next to the lift.

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