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Capture Luis Sera (Resident Evil 4)

Image of Capture Luis Sera
The orders to capture Luis Sera, as he poses a threat to Saddler's plans.

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Capture Luis Sera

I have confirmation that Sera has entered the castle.

Why would he return during his escape leaves me to question his motives. But we must seize this moment and capture him.

We will get the other two Americans after we apprehend Sera.

It appears he took some vaccines when he stole our "sample". The vaccines we can do without but we must retrieve the "sample" for it is our life blood.

I feel there is somebody else or some other group involved in this whole affair.

If the "sample" were to get into the hands of that other entity, the world which we seek to create will not come. We must apprehend Sera as quickly as possible.


  • Image of Chapter 3-1

    Chapter 3-1

    Connecting passage. On the wall near the fire-breathing dragon statues.
  • Image of Chapter 3-1

    Chapter 3-1

    Connecting passage. On the wall near the fire-breathing dragon statues.

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