Platform Entry - Redstone Street Station
AssistedOn the newsstand kiosk counter.
Category | File (Downtown) |
In the gray of the morning on September 25th, a frantic caller telephoned the R.P.D. to report an assault; a man described as "disheveled, like a vagrant" was attacking a passerby north of the Lambs Museum of Art. The responding officers discovered the mutilated corpse of a woman by some dumpsters nearby. Dozens of bite marks covering her body and she had been dismembered, suggesting she had been eaten—the third known incident of its kind to occur in Raccoon City this month.
So whodunit? Who's been munching on man-steak? We here at News Comet have a gnawing feeling that the so-called "cannibal disease" patients Spencer Memorial has been providing free treatment for since August might not be settling for just the cafeteria food.
Our reporters have infiltrated Spencer Memorial, asked the tough questions, and come back with horror stories that will make your stomach roil. Turn the page for the scoop.