House Bedroom - Downtown
AssistedOn the bed.
Category | File (Downtown) |
Dear Editor,
I'm writing to you because I am troubled, deeply troubled. Anyone who's been a parent knows that Crystal Promenade is THE place to take your kids for a trip downtown on Saturdays. And there's no store more popular (or harder on a parent's wallet) than Toy Uncle. However, I've noticed that on windy days, the big statue above the entrance wobbles like the only thing holding it up is a couple of screws.
If that statue's head tumbles loose on a busy day, children will be badly hurt. I've complained to the manager three times now, but he just isn't willing to rectify the situation.
Are we supposed to wait for a terrible accident to happen before taking action? No. If heads are going to roll, then let it be the manager's.
Take that death trap down.
—Timothy Wyles (69)