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Mechanic's Memo (Resident Evil 3: Nemesis)

Image of Mechanic's Memo
A note about the maintenance of the Cable Car.

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I know that you're intimidated by your new job Kevin, so let me tell you how to make sure that you and your trains get along just fine. You see, these carriages were made in 1968, and then imported from Europe. Sometimes they get rickety, but they still work because they are simple, stubborn, and strong. We can always depend on them. If they have a bad day and are malfunctioning, you'll need to take a good look at their circuits for any trouble. Once you discover what's wrong, you'll be able to fix it easily.

I'm sure that you'll be able to avoid those nasty little malfunctions if you check the parts every day. These old trains will surely have problem if you don't remember to check them out. Just remember that if you need to replace anything, you have to choose a suitable part. When I say suitable, I mean that even if you can't find another original part, you'd better find something that works good enough. Even with regard to oil, you must always prepare good quality oil for these trains.
Never forget Kevin that a man may betray others, but a machine won't.


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